Saturday, June 16, 2012

What is Energy ?

  •   Energy is important to us , we are using energy everyday in many aspects in our daily life. We are using energy in home, transportation, economy, communication and information technology, and in our environment. But how energy helps us in this aspects ? Let's find it out :D

  • At home , we are usually using energy all around in our home , without energy in our houses for our appliances that we are using at home. So without energy we can't do the usual things that we are doing in our home.

  • In our transportation , we are using energy for our vehicles that we use to go to our works , office , school and in other locations that we want to go. Imagine even in bicycles we are exerting energy to use it to make a motion.

  • In our economy energy is useful, because energy is in the market, like fuel , electricity , water and food which is the needs of the peoples in a country. So if an economy with wise and good sale of energy in the other countries, it will become a richer country than others.

  • In Communication and Information technology(ICT) , energy is used because computers are used by electricity which is a product of energy. If we don't have energy ICT is a trash , we can't communicate to other people that we want to talk even they are miles away from us.

  • In our environment , we are having so many kind of energy that to be used and produces , like hydroelectric power plans, geothermal power plants , bio-diesel , etc... So we should take care of our environment to preserve our energy source.

* Now that's how energy is very useful and important to us. So consume energy in right usage and don't waste it :D

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